Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy new year!

Hope you all had a very merry christmas! We sure did. Well dad is officially done with Chemo and Radiation! He's feeling a bit fatigued but doing great! The doc was a bit surprised by how well things are going. He will go in on the 7th to schedule the surgery.
2015 has been a little crazy but we have been so blessed. We have seen so many miracles in our lives and have been blessed with the best friends, family and neighbors in the world. Thank you all for your continued caring, love and prayers. We hope you all have a happy new year!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


December is upon us and it's nothing but Christmas craziness for this family! Last month we were able to get some wonderful family pictures taken that we absolutely love! It was fun and we got some really good shots thanks for the fabulous and way too generous Kim Jepperson. I'd personally like to thank all of you that have prayed, brought treats, sent cards, and the many other things I have heard of or seen. We have never felt so much support and love and it has been greatly appreciated. 

Dad has been really fatigued lately. If you are planning on visiting knock quietly. :) He has completed 4 Chemo treatments. He will have two more and then he will have radiation through the 18th. He has handled all of this with great strength and optimism. We continue to be grateful for the prayers and kind service. We are so blessed!